Farmers fearful of being collateral damage in large scale renewable energy projects

NSW Farmers is calling on the NSW Government to rebuild community trust and relationships amid angst around the energy transition.

Farmers and communities around Dunedoo in the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone were fearful they would be collateral damage in a bid to secure the state’s power supply, NSW Farmers Energy Transition Taskforce chair Reg Kidd warned, with the stress and uncertainty taking a huge toll on the region.

“The sheer scale and pace of the energy transition is forcing people into really difficult situations, being forced to give up parts of their family farms or face years of disruption to their operations, and it’s causing enormous stress,” Mr Kidd said.

“We’re seeing the headlines about the need for more renewables and more quickly, but that’s deeply distressing for the people who fear they will be left to foot the bill.

“We need the NSW Government to swiftly address these concerns not just about where and how transmission lines and energy developments will be built, but also how they will minimise the impact.”

Mr Kidd said NSW Farmers had been actively advocating to the NSW Government and EnergyCo on the issue, raising concerns about Just Terms Compensation, mental health support, and the need for clear guidelines on how all parties should conduct themselves to minimise the impact on people and farm productivity.

“We heard the previous government spruik the 3000 jobs the Dunedoo development would create, but it’s left 1000 locals wondering about where these workers will live, how they’ll be housed, and what demands that will place on their small community,” Mr Kidd said.

“This is to say nothing of those other small towns right through the Central West and Hunter Valley who know their roads and bridges will be clogged for years with enormous trucks.

“There are also the cumulative effects; issues of increased insurance coverage, decommissioning these projects once they reach their end of life, rules and regulations around fires, these are just some of the things I’m hearing from people we need solutions for.

“To their credit, it’s clear the Minns Government knows there are problems here and we are sure these problems can be solved, but the question that remains for so many people is whether that will be done in time.”

Without swift government action, the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone would become a textbook example of how not to work with rural communities, Mr Kidd said, sending a clear signal to other parts of the state that they too could face a similar fate.

“We’re looking at a future where we’ll need to feed and clothe more people but at the same time there’s this major push from all sides of politics and big business to build power plants on productive farmland,” Mr Kidd said.

“They might want to get it done quickly, but they also need to do it well, so we don’t destroy families and communities or lose our precious productive potential.

“The people who will have to live with these transmission lines, wind turbines, and solar panels are understandably worried about what it means for them, and we have been working with the government to put the stress this has caused clearly on their agenda.

“The NSW Government must commit to resolving these existing issues and putting processes in place to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future, and we stand ready to help.”

-NSW Farmers