Brown Swiss enthusiasts from all over Australia bid throughout the final Restdown Dispersal Sale to secure heifers and young cows to a top of $7200.
The top price was paid for Restdown Dairystar Luscious, a heifer from a Hurvinek dam back to the Lola family, and she sold to G Meyland of Waaia.
The same buyer also selected Restdown Fast Encore, a great young cow from an EX dam with over 12,000 litres at $5,100.
Sharing next top price at $6,000 was Restdown Biver Sarajevo and Restdown Omalley Nanda 7087.
Both heifers backed by many gens of VG dams were purchased by Loxby Brown Swiss of Perkins and Evans.
The Sherbrooke herd selected Restdown Omalley Sally bred from the Sarajevos at $5,500.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report 50 registered Brown Swiss av $3,330, 4 Grades av $2,437, 54 Brown Swiss av $3,265.