Warrain Matt Empress 9 makes the top price of $13,000 at Jersey dispersal

Jersey breeders from all parts of Victoria were at Warrain Jerseys, Numurkah for the final stage Complete Dispersal Sale along with many online from around Australia.

The sale top of $13,000 was paid for Warrain Matt Empress 9, and this big 2 ½ yo heifer is from Galvanize Empress 4, EX 92, then Vanahlem Empress 3, EX 91,  was purchased by A & S Chant of Elms Park Jerseys.

Next top lot at $7,000 was reached twice when Warrain Casino Lovelies 7, backed by 3 gens EX, sold to Darryn Vale Jerseys of D Hourigan.

Also at this figure was Warrain Matt Narcissus from a 3rd gen EX Tbone dam with 761 kgs solids. She sold to S & K Whitten of Halston, and they also selected Warrain Sturgis Lovelies from an EX 91 Vanahlem dam with 8,251 litres at $6,250.

M & S Thompson of Bamawn were strong buyers throughout the sale and among their selections was Warrain Matt Jill from an EX 92 dam with 9,120 litres at $6,500.

The noted Jugiong herd paid $6000 for Warrain Casino Empress 12 while the Schintler Family near Corryong selected Warrain Boys Love Kiss at the same money.

Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report 40 Heifers av $4,761.

They also reported over the four dispersal sales, 402 Jerseys gross from John and Margaret Cockerell grossed $1,786, 250 to av $4,445