Field day to find out what natural capital means to you and your farm business

The Balala Field Day, Uralla, NSW, on Thursday 13th June is shaping up to explore Natural Capital and what it means to Farmers… there’s a lot of layers to the phrase ‘Natural Capital’ so;

  • What does it mean to you and your business
  • Is making changes to management worth it?
  • What do the global policies mean for family farms.
  • What would you like to know more about?

Join the Farmer discussions after the Industry and Farmer panels.

Hosts: Richard & Sarah Daugherty  will share their farm story.

Presentations and Panels will cover;

  • How NAB and LLS- Natural Capital are working with Farmers.
  • Farming for the Future research results from 130 farms – with Mark Gardner.  Natural Capital – more than money

“A farm has traditionally been valued above the ground, with infrastructure, stock, machinery and other tangible assets contributing to the perceived health of the business. Considering natural capital as a productive resource and as capital, gives farmers additional information to support their decision making. Farming for the Future offers the possibility of measuring crucial components of businesses that were previously challenging to quantify,” Mark Gardner said.

Industry Panel:

–        Emma Gittoes Bunting – Global Sustainability Manager- Woolmark

–        Fox & Lillie –  EOV project – Eamon Timms

–        Brett Smith DIRECTOR, Wool Producer’s Australia

–        Cattle Australia

Producer panel:

–         Michael Taylor COP 28/29

–        Impact Ag – Sara Schmude- Ecological Outcome Monitoring

FARMER Q & A Discussions and an update about the

Australian Holistic Management Co-operative