Workshops for landholders on feral pig management

Landholders wanting to learn more about feral pig management are encouraged to attend an upcoming workshop coordinated by Western Local Land Services.

In total, seven workshops will be delivered across the Western region, with Troy Crittle from the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Mark Lamb from Pest Lures to present on:

  • feral pig control tools
  • baiting techniques
  • seasonal conditions and what that means for feral pig control
  • monitoring techniques
  • current resources available through the NSW Government’s Feral Pig Program.

Landholders who attend will be encouraged to have input into group discussions including reporting on feral pig movements on their properties and control success stories and learnings.

The workshops are being held at:

  • Topar Gymkhana and Rodeo grounds, Friday 14 June
  • White Cliffs Sporting Club, Saturday 15 June
  • Louth, Shindy’s Inn, Sunday 16 June
  • Brewarrina Community Centre, 40 Bourke St, Tuesday 18 June
  • Fords Bridge Cricket Club, Wednesday 19 June
  • Wanaaring Hall, Thursday 20 June

Workshops will commence at 10 am and finish by 3 pm. Morning tea will be available from 9:30 am with lunch also included.

RSVP for catering purposes to Kate Orange on 0447 824 782 or For further information, speak with Kate or your local biosecurity officer.

The workshops are being delivered through funding from the NSW Government’s Feral Pig Program.

-Local Land Services