Young Holstein breed enthusiasts can apply for scholarship to major UK shows

Holstein Australia and Holstein UK have again joined forces to provide a young and aspiring Holstein breed enthusiast with a trip to the UK during September and October this year.

Holstein Australia CEO Rohan Butler said the exchange gives the winner the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of how dairy farming in the UK compares to that of Australia and bring back vital understanding to develop their own career in agriculture.

“It’s a great experience that offers opportunities to work on-farm, gain new skills, meet other Holstein enthusiasts, participate in a world-renowned show and spend time travelling around the UK,” says Rohan.

The exchange will run from 6th September for a month during the UK’s busiest month for dairy events. It includes return air fares and hosted accommodation on Holstein UK members’ dairy farms throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

The exchange winner will also play an active role at the All Breeds All Britain Calf show, a  highlight of the UK Holstein Young Breeders year, the UK Dairy Day industry event and National Holstein Show, and The Dairy Show.

Last year’s exchange winner, Andrew McRae from Bonniedoon Holsteins, Western District, Victoria, is encouraging people to apply for this year’s program. He described it as a life-enhancing experience, with highlights being meeting people passionate about cows in another country and the different farming systems.

“I would like to thank all the organisers of this scholarship that I can see will have a positive effect on my future, and to all the families and businesses that welcomed me with open arms into their lives. I strongly encourage all passionate young Australian farmers and Holstein breeders to apply for this life changing program,” said Andrew.

Applications are now open and close Sunday 28th July

Entry is open to Australian residents aged 18 to 30 years who can demonstrate a tangible connection with the Australian dairy industry. To be eligible for the exchange, applicants must be able to travel between September 6th and October 9th this year.

Holstein Australia membership is not a pre-requisite to apply for the exchange but the exchange recipient, if aged between 18 and 25, must be a Holstein Youth member at time of travel. A recipient aged between 26 and 30 must be an Associate or Full Member at time of travel.

-Holstein Australia