Livestock Biosecurity Network awarded for improving industry practices


Implementation of on-farm biosecurity practices can raise the productivity and profitability of an individual enterprise.

The Livestock Biosecurity Network (LBN) has been awarded an Australian Biosecurity Award for its work in improving the industry’s on-farm biosecurity practices.

The LBN was selected for the award for its role in raising biosecurity awareness and preparation standards across the livestock industry.

LBN chief executive John Maher said the award was a great honour for LBN’s team of dedicated regional biosecurity officers, and recognition of the vision of the livestock industry’s peak councils in establishing the organisation just three years ago.

“It is really wonderful to see the hard work of the LBN team recognised in this way,” Mr Maher said.

“Day-in day-out LBN’s regional officers work closely with farming networks around Australia to provide producers and industry with the tools and information they need to protect the health and productivity of their livestock.

“Through this extension and education role, LBN is helping industry to manage the risk of endemic and emergency pest, weed and disease outbreaks, as well as prepare for how to respond if such outbreaks eventuate.”

LBN is an independent industry initiative established by the Cattle Council of Australia, Sheepmeat Council of Australia and WoolProducers Australia.

LBN Operations Manager Dr Sarah-Jane Wilson said the broad scope of activities being delivered by LBN across the regions reflected the initiative staff had shown in responding to local and national biosecurity issues.

“Implementation of on-farm biosecurity practices can raise the productivity and profitability of an individual enterprise, and has a cumulative effect towards sustaining our global market access and reputation for safe and high quality livestock products,” Dr Wilson said.

The award was presented by Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce to LBN Chairman David Palmer at the Australian Biosecurity Awards ceremony in Canberra on Tuesday night, as part of the ABARES Outlook Conference.

The awards covered the full scope of Australia’s biosecurity systems and acknowledged individuals, groups and industry organisations that have made an outstanding contribution to maintaining Australia’s biosecurity integrity.