At the close of Thursday’s market the eastern states restocker lamb indicator gained 6¢, to 571¢/kg cwt.
- Merino lambs were back 1¢ on 491¢/kg cwt
- Light lambs held firm on 526¢/kg cwt
- Trade lambs were up 2¢, on 579¢/kg cwt
- Heavy lambs were up 4¢, on 593¢/kg cwt
- The mutton indicator were up 10¢, on 397¢/kg cwt
This week at Wagga, lamb throughput declined 27% to 22,000 head. Quality was mixed across old trade categories in particular, resulting in some fluctuating trends throughout other sections. Not all buyers attended, with some strong restocker competition from northern regions seen for lighter weight new season lines.
Mutton consignments declined 40%, to 4,000 head. Quality varied across all sections, with a reasonable amount of heavy weight lines penned.
- Trade weight 3 score new season lambs gained 4¢, averaging 630¢/kg cwt
- Light weight 2 score old Merino lambs were up 35¢, to 545¢/kg cwt
- Trade weight 3 score old lambs to slaughter were up 3¢, to 599¢/kg cwt
- Heavy weight 4 score first-cross ewes were up 40¢, to 382¢/kg cwt