Light restocking lambs sell to $88 and trade weights to $149


Corey Nicholson, Holman Tolmie Stock & Station Agents selling 668 XB Lambs on behalf of Rocky Ponds, Galong to a top of $180ph.

Light restocking lambs sold to $88/head while the prime medium and heavy trade weights ranged from $122 to $149 being $10 to $12/head cheaper and averaged 610c/kg at SELX.

Lamb numbers were steady and the quality slipped. Well-finished lambs were limited and attracted a premium. Most of the lambs were secondary lambs and lacked fat cover and weight.

Store lambs were well supplied and trade and heavy weights were only in reasonable numbers. Extra heavy lambs were in short supply.

A larger group of buyers attended this week’s market but not all export buyers.

Heavy lambs were $8 to $10 cheaper selling between $140 and $168 and the few extra heavy weight lambs to $178/head.

Carcass prices ranged from 590c to 630c/kg. Merino lambs sold to $138/head for trade weights. The best of the heavy hoggets reached $156/head.

Mutton numbers were back and quality remains similar with plenty of lighter weights penned. Light ewes sold from $57 to $95/head.

Medium weights made from $80 to $124/head. Heavy crossbred ewes reached $156/head. Most of the better-covered sheep averaged 470c to 500c/kg.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service – CLICK HERE for full MLA report.


Sale date: 28.06.2017
Yarding 8,926
Category   $ / Hd
Suckers Top $88.00
Aver $78.71
Lambs Merino Top $125.00
Aver $100.46
Lambs XB Top $181.00
Aver $144.06
Hoggets XB Top $156.00
Aver $119.05
Wethers Merino Top $124.60
Aver $98.73
Ewes XB Top $156.00
Aver $134.76
Ewes Merino Top $134.40
Aver $94.67