Young Merino ewes made an average of $146 and sold to a top price of $200 on AuctionsPlus last week.
This top price went to two lines from Angas Valley, SA.
A line of Hilton Heath blood, 14 to 15 month old ewes, weighing 54kg, with a 1.5” skin. And a line of 26 to 28 month old ewes, bare shorn weighing 56kg.
Sheep and lamb numbers increased again this week by 3,371 head, for a total offering of 68,516 head.
After feedback from many of our assessors across the eastern states the main factors influencing the market are the dry seasonal conditions and smaller lot numbers which are having a direct impact on ease of transport.
Prices have come back in the saleyards but haven’t been taken into consideration when setting the reserve prices, resulting in lower clearance rates.
Proven breeders made an average of $136 and sold to a top price of $152. This top price went to a line of Inglewood blood ewes, 4 years old, weighing 46kg with a ¾” skin, from Tooborac, VIC. These ewes have also been scanned in lamb to Poll Dorset rams.
Older Ewes made an average of $115.50 and sold to a top price of $130. This top price went to 3 lines this week.
The first was a line of 6 year old ewes, weighing 56kg, with 1.5” skin, from Walgett, NSW. These ewes have been scanned in lamb to Border Liecester rams.
The second was a line of Mulloorie blood, 5 to 6 year old ewes, weighing 66kg, with a 1” skin, from Broken Hill, NSW. These ewes have been station mated to Mulloorie blood rams.
The third was a line of Toland and Leechim blood, 6 to 7 year old ewes, weighing 63kg, with a 1.75” skin, from Beechworth, VIC.
Merino wether lambs this week averaged $95 and sold to a top price of $118. This top price went to a line of Stud Park South and Edgarley blood wethers, August / September 2016 drop, weighing 41kg, with ¾” skin, from Willaura, VIC.
First cross ewe lambs made an average of $206 and sold to a top price of $294. This top price went to a line of 9 to 10 month old ewes, weighing 55kg from Cooma, NSW.
These ewes have been scanned in lamb to Poll Dorset rams. Another highlight lot included a line of 11 to 12 month old ewes, weighing 54kg, from Birregurra, VIC which sold for $267. These ewe lambs have been scanned in lamb to White Suffolk rams.
Ewes and lambs this week made an average of $196 and sold to a top price of $289. This top price went to a line of Ridgeway Advance blood Poll Merino Ewes with White Suffolk lambs at foot, from Bordertown, SA.
These ewes are 5 years old and weigh 76kg, with a 1.75” skin. The lambs at foot are 1 to 2 months old and weigh 31kg.
Other highlights included a line of Composite ewe lambs from Moutjup, VIC which sold for $261. These ewes are 12 to 13 months old, weigh 65kg and have been scanned in lamb to South Down and Composite rams.