Young Merino breeders sell to a top of $201 on AuctionsPlus

Mumblebone-ewesYoung Merino breeders averaged $150 and sold to a top of $201 for a line from Mildura, VIC on AuctionsPlus last week.

The top priced line of 660 ewes and are 14-16 months old and weigh 57kg.

Sheep clearance rates soared to 84% this week on the back of recent rain and supply was limited across all stock categories with a total of 35, 054 head offered.

Increased buyer confidence and competition saw 100% clearance of crossbred lambs. A whopping 374 buyers logged into the Tuesday Sheep Auction, in addition to 397 guests – a total of 771 individuals.
The majority of SIL ewes offered this week were aged. Supply was limited and prices averaged $127. Three separate lots from Cooma, Finley and Trundle topped the market at $151. Six year old Merino Ewes & lambs from Dunolly, Vic topped the market of aged breeders at $241, for two lines from the same vendor.

Merino ewe lambs sold from $84 to $120, to average $102. The top line of 410 from Cudal, NSW, weighing 35kg and are approaching their first birthday at the end of the month.

Merino wether lambs averaged $89 and sold to a top of $116 for a line of 600 from Cunnamulla, QLD, weighing 43kg. Merino wether hoggets were in short supply and even in quality, selling to a top of $99, for a line from Clear Lake, VIC, weighing 53kg.

Processors were active on old season light trade lambs. Three lots of XB mixed sex store lambs from Broken Hill, NSW sold to a top price of $83.50, weighing 14kg or 596c/kg carcase weight, including skin value. Another notable lot hailed from Bribbaree, NSW.

The line of mixed sex, second cross lambs, Sept/Oct 16 drop, sold for 631c/kg, weighing 19kg.