This top price went to a line of Valley Vista and Culcairn blood ewes from “Allawah” Henty, NSW tipping the scales at 46kg.
A strong offering of ewe hoggets saw prices range from $150 to $225, averaging $199. Top dollar went to account ‘ID & B Cobiac’ with a quality line of 17 to 18 month old ewes.
Weighing 60kg straight off shears, as part of their complete flock dispersal. Young and proven breeders were in tighter supply this week, selling from $120 to $217, for an average of $179.
‘Kilcoolin Pastoral Company’ reached this top price for three lots of NSM ewes totaling 805 head, which was also part of their complete flock dispersal.
Merino wether lambs were the focus in this week’s auctions with little to no hoggets or grown wethers on offer. Wether lambs averaged $99, selling from $60 to $131.50.
This top price was produced by a line of large framed Lines Gum Hill blood wethers from Coomandook, SA. These lambs, aged 6 to 7 months old, weighing 49kg, with a ¼ inch skin are off to the processors.
1st cross ewes were in tight supply this week with only a small number of breeders on offer. Lambs sold in a tight cluster from $166 to $200.50, to average $181.50.
Taking out the top prize was a line bred out of good frame western merino ewes and Glenalvie Border Leicester rams, showing good growth for age. The lambs were 5 to 6 month, weighing 47kg with a 3/4 inch coat bred by ‘MJ & MJ Johnston’ of “Belah” Nyngan, NSW.