Restockers pay to $2640 for cows and calves


Unjoined Hereford heifers weighing 412 kg from Uranquinty, NSW sold for $1370 or 333c.

Joined females sold for an average of $1437, with the top price of $1675 going to a line of Murray Grey cows out of Wellington, NSW, on AuctionsPlus.

These Woodbourne & Waroona blood girls are PTIC to a Murray Grey Woodbourne bull, and will be heading to Wodonga, VIC.
A high supply of Cows and calves was met by strong demand, with 73% of lots offered finding buyers. Prices averaged $1925, with a top of $2640.
This price was made by a line of Angus cows and calves from Condobolin, NSW.
The cows were bred out of Millah Murrah blood, weighed in at 743 kg, are 4 to 4.5 years old and will be going to Yea, VIC.
Hereford cows and calves out of South Australia sold to a top of $2020. The cows ranged from 4-10 years old, with 1-3 month old calves at foot. The cows weigh 693 kg, and found a buyer in Millicent, SA.
Unjoined Hereford heifers weighing 412 kg from Uranquinty, NSW sold for $1370 or 333c. These 12-14 month old heifers are of Yavenvale blood are heading north to Wagga Wagga, NSW.
Further highlights include a line of Droughtmaster heifers out of Winton, QLD which sold for $710 or 332c. These Bernborough blood heifers averaged 214 kg, and are heading to Blackall, QLD.
A good selection of steers were on offer this week, with prices ranging from $695 to $1440. This top price went to a line of Angus steers out of Holbrook, NSW. These steers are 16-18 months old, 473 kg and found a buyer in Albury, NSW.
9-11 month old Santa Gertrudis steers out of Ironpot, QLD also sold well at $1156 or 401c. These Yulgibar and Eidsvold blood steers are 288 kg and are off to Roma.
Three lots were offered out of Tasmania this week, with two clearing their reserve. The top price came out of Waterhouse to a line of 20 angus breeders. These heifers are 14-15 months old, 373 kg, bred from Quaterways Angus Bulls, and are heading to Edith Creek, TAS.
National Steer breakdown
Under 250kg sold from 329c/kg to 425c/kg to average 393c/kg (up 5c)
250kg to 299kg sold from 318c/kg to 401c/kg to average 366c/kg (up 2c)
300kg to 349kg sold from 301c/kg to 368c/kg to average 342c/kg (up 11c)
350 kg + sold from 294c/kg to 345c/kg to average 317c/kg