Several lines of scanned-in lamb Border/Merino ewes just on a year old were on offer and were the sought-after article for the week on AuctionsPlus.
Prices ranged from $230 to $300 to average $259.
The top price was for 550 June/July drop ewes weighing 56kg from Naracoorte SA, scanned 100% in lamb to White Suffolk with 46% carrying multiples.
Older scanned first cross ewes as part of a 2000-head flock dispersal in Gippsland, VIC made $105.50 to $182.50.
Crossbred ewes of other breeds scanned to terminal sires sold from $128 to $211 to average $166.
Large numbers of Merino ewes were again offered. Young scanned ewes made $56.50 to $190, averaging $135.
The top price was again from SA, for bare-shorn, rising two-year-old Glendemar blood ewes scanned to White Suffolks.
Older scanned ewes sold from $97 to $146 averaging $128. Merino ewe lambs sold from $92.50 to $141 to average $119.
The Okehampton Merino dispersal, on-farm and interfaced with AuctionsPlus, saw full clearance of 720 Stud and 2,248 commercial sheep.
Scanned-in-lamb stud ewes averaged $505 to top at $740, and stud ram lambs top at $940 for a $659 average. A line of unshorn, August drop wether lambs weighing 39kg sold for $130. 4 lots were sold to online bidders.
Merino wether lamb numbers were limited and sold strongly from $63 to $125 to average $88, up $10 on last week.
The category-toppers were a line of August/September drop lambs weighing 43kg with a February skin from Nhill, Vic that are heading to the Riverina, NSW.
New season lambs continue to trickle in this week selling from $80.50 to $108, or 326c to 366c live for first cross Poll Dorset lambs weighing between 23 and 29kg.
Older store lambs ranged from $75 to $135.50 or 287c to 384c. Coollalee cross lambs to dress 32kg from Tullamore, NSW were listed and sold prior to auction based on the assessment – an unusual offering, and proof that the online platform can indeed effectively market heavy lambs as well as being the primary marketplace for store stock.