Cow and calf units were in tight supply, with only 6 lots offered on AuctionsPlus.
The top price of $1,460 went to a line of unjoined Angus cows and calves from Piallaway, NSW sold to Euroa, VIC.
These mixed age cows weigh 624kg with Angus calves at foot, sired by Angus bulls.
Joined females were in supply and up in price on last week on AuctionsPlus, with 1,600 head offered.
Clearance was limited for PTIC cows and the average price reached was $1171. ‘Glenfiddich P/L’, Highlands, VIC, offered 3 lines of PTIC Angus Heifers, aged 25 to 27 months and the top line sold for $1,480.
Similarly, ‘Silver Bunyip Pty Ltd’, Bungendore, NSW, offered 3 lines of PTIC Angus cows, aged 2 to 3 years and the top priced line recorded $1425.
A line of 90 SM Santa Gertrudis/Droughtmaster cross cows aged 4 to 7 years were offered A/c ‘WM & KL Burton’, Barcaldine, QLD.
Weighing 397kg, these cows were running back to a mix of Santa, Poll Hereford, Simmental and Droughtmaster bulls and returned $685.
A large listing of weaners this week with the clearance also limited. ‘Warroo Station Pty Ltd’, Inglewood, QLD, offered a total of 159 weaned Red Angus heifers which sold for 272 c/kg or $400.
Aged 3 to 8 months and weighing 147kg, they will travel 1,500km to Alvie, VIC. From Cootamundra, NSW, ‘DH Hill & C’ sold 40 Poll Hereford steers aged 8 to 9 months, weighing 271kg to return 277c and were purchased 900km away out of Avenue Range, SA.
This week’s Seedstock sale was made up of 7 lots of Tenterfield High School Bull and three lots shared top price of $4,000.
The AuctionsPlus Wagyu sale offered 234 head. Of those sold was 11 cows, aged 3 to 4 years old and PTIC to Wagyu bulls for $1,500 from Sheffield, TAS.