Scanned Border Leicester/Merino ewes sold from $122 to $250 to average $214 and several lines of scanned ewe lambs made $225 to $246 averaging $236 on AuctionsPlus last week.
Scanned in lamb ewes across all breeds made up almost half the offering this week and good return for lambs are allowing producers to seek breeders to top up their flocks.
The top priced first cross ewes were 11-14 months old, with a December skin and in lamb to Dorset rams, from Wellington, NSW.
Scanned Composite ewes made $129 to $266 averaging $196, with the top price being for Cashmore Oaklea, 12-13 month old ewes from SA, in lamb to Cashmore Oaklea rams, carrying 68% multiples.
Unjoined Composite ewe lambs sold from $83 to $135 to average $109.
Merino Ewes scanned in lamb averaged $157, ranging from $80 to top at $234 for February-shorn rising 3 year old, Karbullah blood ewes, in lamb to Merinos from Collarenebri, NSW.
Merino ewe lambs made $108 to $173 averaging $150.
Merino wether lamb numbers were well back this week, with the bulk of this article having already being sold to retain core breeders. Prices ranged from $65 to $112 to average $86, no change on last week.
New season lamb numbers remain limited with the last of last year’s lambs still hitting the market. 2018 drop lambs weighed between 16kg and 30kg and sold from $81 to $102.50 or 321c to 512c/kg live.