Medium and heavy trade weight lambs to $188


John & Emma Hayes ‘Bullaworrie’ Glenn Finnan White Suffolks, Young topped today’s market with 58 XB Lambs sold to a top of $226.5ph by Phill, Butt Livestock & Property.

Medium and heavy trade weights were $5 to $6 dearer on the finished lambs and sold from $134 to $188/head at SELX this week.

Lamb numbers eased and the quality remains mixed. Light lambs were still well supplied and prime trade and heavy lambs were only in reasonable numbers.
There were similar numbers of Merino lambs and light trade weights were best supplied. The market was firm to dearer.

The 2 score processing lambs were firm selling from $72 to $120/head. Restocking lambs reached $118/head.

Heavy lambs were firm $165 to $204 and extra heavy weights reached $226/head.
Carcase prices averaged between 680c and 730c/kg cwt. Merino lambs sold $113 to $134/head for trade weights. Hoggets reached $190/head.

Mutton numbers lifted and the quality varied from very light Merino ewes to a larger offering of heavy crossbreds.

Prices were firm on the sheep with cover while plain sheep were dearer. Medium weight ewes sold to $146/head. Heavy crossbreds reached $220 and Merino wethers reached $192/head.

Market Report: MLA’s National Livestock Reporting Service.

Category Qty $ / Hd
Suckers XB 11 Top $108.00
Aver $108.00
Lambs Merino 1,430 Top $150.00
Aver $85.48
Lambs XB 4,410 Top $226.50
Aver $137.17
Hoggets XB 85 Top $190.60
Aver $131.93
Wethers Merino 2,703 Top $192.20
Aver $120.52
Ewes XB 696 Top $220.00
Aver $147.53
Ewes Merino 2,656 Top $163.20
Aver $108.09