Young merino hoggets, were topped by a line of 40kg 14 to 15 month old Pooginook and Poll Pooginook blood maiden ewes from Hay, NSW on AuctionsPlus.
This mob sold for $258 and were part of the Bedarbidgal Merino flock dispersal. Merino hoggets sold from $100 to $258 with an average of $179.
Grown merino ewes this week sold from $51 to $253 and averaged $159. Grown merino ewe highlights included 2 year old scanned empty ewes selling for $253.
This mob was purchased by a buyer from Pyramid Hill, VIC. While 4 year old scanned empty ewes sold for $247, and are heading to Ballarat, VIC. Both were part of the Bedarbidgal dispersal.
Merino wether lambs continued to draw buyer interest this week seeing a 92% clearance nationally. Lambs sold from $70 to $136, and had an average of $97.50, $21 up on last week.
The top priced mob was a line of April/May 18’ drop, 40kg lambs with a 1.5’’ skin from Karoonda, SA. The small offering of grown merino wethers sold from $66 to $76, and saw an average of $69.
First Cross ewe lambs sold from $138 to $210, and saw a $172 average, down $5 on last week. Ewe lambs had a 91% clearance, while unjoined First Cross ewes had a 76% clearance.
The top priced lot of unjoined First Cross ewes was a line of 22 to 26 month old ewes from Numurkah, VIC selling for $230.
There was plenty of interstate buying this week as good seasons in parts of Western Victoria and South Australia continued.
May/June 18’ drop mixed sex Poll Dorset/Merino lambs from Cootamundra, NSW sold for $108 into Keith, SA. April/May 18’ drop, mixed sex White Suffolk/Merino from Moulamein, NSW sold for $116 also into Keith, SA. While 11 to 12 month old First Cross scanned in lamb ewes from Gilgandra, NSW sold for $184 into Naracoorte, SA.