Merino ewe hoggets top at $255 on AuctionsPlus


Merino ewe hoggets ranged from $71 to $255 and averaged $160.

Merino wether lambs sold from $50 to $142.50 with an average of $98, up $2 on the previous week on AuctionsPlus.

This top price went to a line of 44kg April/May drop lambs from Coleambally, NSW and sold to a buyer in Tamworth, NSW.

Merino wethers and hoggets sold from $73 to $136 and averaged $100.

The top price went to a line of 400 wether hoggets out of Portland, VIC. The hoggets are 55kg, 17-18 months old and found a buyer in Cranbourne, NSW.

Merino ewe hoggets ranged from $71 to $255 and averaged $160. The top price went to a line of 58kg hoggets from Woodstock On Loddon, VIC and are heading to Shepparton, VIC.

Another highlight was a line of 46kg hoggets out of Avenel, VIC selling for $237 and found a buyer in Euroa, VIC.

Grown merino ewes sold from $67 to $191 and averaged $126. The top price went to a line of 2 year old, 53kg ewes from Avenel, VIC and are heading to Miepoll, VIC.

First cross Border Leicester/Merino ewe hoggets sold from $160 to $286 and averaged $213. A line of 69kg hoggets out of Keith, SA reached the top price, with a buyer in Bordertown, SA.

First cross Border Leicester/Merino ewe lambs sold from $91 to $190 and averaged $147. The top price went to a 45kg mob out of Bordertown, SA and are crossing the border to Skipton, VIC.

The Telang Crossbred Lamb Sale saw full clearance on the 7,916 head offered. The ewe lambs sold to a top of $286, while the wether lambs sold to a top of $157.

Crossbred lamb numbers continued to rise this week with 40,884 head offered. Australian White/White dorper lambs from Womboota, NSW sold for $165.5.

The lambs are 38kg and are heading to Lake Cargelligo, NSW. Composite/Merino/Composite ewe hoggets from Brimboal, VIC sold for $156. These ewes weigh 46kg and are off to Casterton, VIC.