Unjoined Merino ewes top at $222 on AuctionsPlus


These unjoined Merino ewes sold for $222 on AuctionsPlus.

Last week saw NSM Merino ewes return from $80.50 to $222, averaging $144 on AuctionsPlus.

From Cootamundra, NSW a line of 390 Merino ewes weighing 61kgs, with a 3/4” skin achieved the top price.

These Bundilla blood ewes are 2.5 years and will travel nearly 800km to Caramut, VIC.

While a line of 188 Merino ewes, 2.5 to 5.5 years in age and weighing 66kgs sold for $140. From Grenfell, NSW these ewes have a 2” skin.

Merino wether lambs ranged from $50 to $123 and averaged $86. The top price was returned by a line of 465 Merino lambs from Kingston, SA.

These lambs are Jun/Jul 18’ drop, Glendemar blood, have a ¼” skin and weigh 39kgs. While a line of 220 Merino store wether lambs, weighing 35kgs, with a 1 ¾” skin from Thallon, QLD, selling for $77.50, will journey 500km across the border to Trangie, NSW.

Border Leicester/Merino ewe lambs sold from $66.50 to $180, to average $123. From Narridy, SA a line of 200 ewe lambs returned the top price.

Weighing 49kgs, these ewe lambs are Apr/May 18’ drop and bred from Mulloorie & Gum Hill bloodlines.

While NSM Border Leicester/Merino ewes were in short supply, selling from $120 to $180. A line of 275 ewes, 16-17 months old and weighing 53kgs from Beulah, VIC sold for the top price.

Highlights across crossbred ewes saw a line of MeatPlus/Composite ewes from Newbridge, NSW return $180.

These ewes are 1.5-2.5 years old and weigh 60kgs. While from Princetown, VIC a line of 241 Composite ewes returned the top price of $229.

These ewes are 17-18 months, weigh 63kgs, and will journey across to Whitemore, TAS. Offered by the same vendor, a smaller line of 45 Composite ewes returned $161.

Crossbred lambs ranged from $50.50 to $152, averaging $103. From Marrar, NSW, 2nd cross Poll Dorset mixed sex lambs returned the top price. Offered across 2 lots, these 616 lambs are Jun/Jul 18’ drop and weigh 42kgs. Another highlight saw a small line of 34 White Suffolk/Poll Merino mixed sex lambs from Weetulta, SA return $120.50. These lambs are Jun/Jul 18’ drop and weigh 39kgs.
