Future breeder Merino ewe lambs top at $159.50


The top price was returned by this line of 210 NSM Poll Merino ewes from Mantung, SA.

A total of 7,762 unjoined merino ewes sold with a high variance last week, from $53 to $172, achieving an average of $102 on AuctionsPlus.

The top price was returned by a line of 210 NSM Poll Merino ewes from Mantung, SA.

The ewes are 30 – 32 months old, weigh 60kg and are based on Borung Blood Poll Merinos.

Future breeder Merino ewe lambs sold to average $89, ranging from $66 to $159.50. The top price was achieved by a line of 200, 7 – 8 month old lambs, weighing 44kg.

Merino Wethers sold from $70 to $118, averaging $104 with a total of 3,733 head sold.

The top price of was achieved by a line of 325 Wethers, 1.4-1.5 years old weighing 39kg with a 2.4” skin, from Cooma, NSW, heading on a 2-hour truck trip to Yass, NSW.

Merino Wether lambs sold from $56 to $120.50, with an average of $86.55. Top price was returned by a line of 445 Wether lambs marketed by Geoff McDougall at Landmark Hay, they are 7 to 8 months old weighing in at 44kg.

A total of 1,484 Border Leicester/Merino ewes sold from $110 to $200, averaging $151. The top price was returned by a line of 200 NSM ewes from Holbrook, NSW.

These ewes are 16 – 17 months old, weigh 51kg and will stay local at Tumbarumba, NSW.

Pure Dohne ewes sold from $68 to $151 and averaged $95, with a total of 2,653 sold.

The top price was returned by a line of 154 NSM Ewes from Piangil, VIC. These ewes are 1.5 – 2.5 years weighing 70kg and will be making their way to Bendigo, VIC.