Senior and Grand Champion bull went to Sprys Extra Special N61 exhibited by the Spry and Spencer family.
Marrington Effie N82 emerged as the supreme Shorthorn exhibit at Sydney Royal from a line up of 78 entries.
The highlight for many was seeing three classes with over 15 entrants in each creating a difficult day for judge Alistair Brook of Eloora Shorthorns.
Marrington Effie N82 exhibited by the Williams family was firstly sashed Junior Champion Female and went on to take out Supreme Exhibit.
Mr. Brooks noted, “She is absolutely outstanding…. She is a female that ticks so may boxes.”
Howard and Margaret Williams were exceptionally excited with the win, placing emphasis on the efforts of his daughters and grandchildren for the win. It has been 21 years since the stud has achieved such heights.
Senior and Grand Champion bull went to Sprys Extra Special N61 exhibited by the Spry and Spencer family.
This only cements the exceptional results he has had in both Adelaide and Melbourne in the previous 12 months. The young sire was noted for his length, strength of muscle and overall balance.
Following the consistency of the day all champion and reserve champions were awarded to individual breeders except for one category.
Junior champion bull: Kamilaroi Quandong (P) (SFA), Calrossy Anglican School.
Reserve junior champion bull: Tarranganda TG Night Rider N13 (P) (AI), Morris Family.
Junior champion female: Marrington Effie N82 (P) (AI), Williams family.
Reserve junior champion female: Blackjack Stockman’s Rosebud (P) (AI), Blackjack Grazing.
Senior champion bull: Sprys Extra Special N61 (P) (AI), Spry and Spencer family.
Reserve Senior champion bull: Royalla Uptown N194 (P), Job family
Senior champion female: Nagol Park Ellies Romance L203 (P) (AI), Evan Family
Reserve senior champion female: Marrington Summerton M38 (P), Williams family.
Grand champion bull: Sprys Extra Special N61 (P) (AI), Spry and Spencer family.
Grand champion female: Marrington Effie N82 (P) (AI), Williams family.
Supreme Exhibit: Marrington Effie N82 (P) (AI), Williams family.