Merino ewe lambs sold from $109 to $181 and averaged $146, down $23 on AuctionsPlus.
Returning the top price was a line of 350 Leahcim blood lambs weighing 42kgs with a 2” skin from Goulburn, NSW.
While Merino ewe hoggets averaged $210, up $15 on last week and sold from $90 to $310. From Marnoo, VIC a line of 144 hoggets, Charinga blood, 15-16 months and weighing 53kgs with a ½” skin returned the top price.
Young Merino breeders (2-4 years) averaged $181, a drop of $12 on last week and sold from $138 to $270. The top price was returned by a line of North Ashrose blood ewes weighing 81kgs with a ¼” skin from Ungarie, NSW.
Proven Merino breeders (4+ years) sold from $71.50 to $213, to average $141, down $16 on last week. From Jerilderie, NSW a line of Yanko blood ewes, 5 years old, weighing 70kgs, with a 2” skin returned the top price. While from Brewarrina, NSW a line of Weealla blood SIL Merino ewes, 5 years old, and weighing 65kgs with a 2” skin returned $189.
Selling from $82 to $143, Merino wether lambs averaged $113, down $3 on last week. Returning the top price was a run of 820 Roseville Park & Charinga blood lambs weighing 40kgs with a 2” skin from Maldon, VIC.
Merino wethers were steady on last week, averaging $96 and selling from $75 to a top of $131. From Euroa, VIC a line of Goolgumbla blood wethers, weighing 50kgs with a ½” skin returned the top price.
Prices for First Cross ewe lambs jumped by $18 to average $186, with results from $156 to $224. A line of 335 future breeder ewe lambs, 2019 drop and weighing 38kgs from Kingston, SA returned the top price.
While First Cross ewes sold from to $155 to $256, to average $195. From Dookie, VIC a line of ewes, 15-16 months old and weighing 58kgs achieved the top price.
An increase in supply of store lambs, saw clearance soften slightly to see 89% clearance achieved across 28,414 head offered, with prices from 339c to 503c to average 430c, up 4c on last week. Store lamb highlights include:
– Jul/Aug ’19, 32kg Meatplus mixed sex suckers from Cootamundra, NSW sold for $128 or 503c live
– Jul/Aug ’19, 32kg 2nd X Dorset mixed sex suckers from Warrock, VIC sold for $106 or 486c live
– Jun/Jul ’19, 27kgs White Suffolk/Poll Merino mixed sex suckers from Avenue Range, SA sold for $127 or 458c live
– Jul/Aug ’19, 31kg Primeline wether suckers from Harden, NSW sold for $140 or 453c
– Apr/May ’19, 36kg 2nd X White Suffolk mixed sex lambs from Keith, SA sold for $137 or 378c live
– May/Jun ’19, 38kg 2nd X Composite mixed sex suckers from Kingscote, SA sold for $144 or 375c live