Merino ewe lambs rise by $23 on AuctionsPlus


These ewe lambs from Young, NSW, made $196.

Only four lines of Merino ewe lambs were sold last week on AuctionsPlus, making between $100 & $196, averaging $152, up $23 on the previous sale.

The top price line was a line of 260 CentrePlus blood future breeder Merino ewe lambs from Young, NSW. These lambs are Sept/Oct ’18 drop and weigh 44kgs.

Merino ewe hoggets averaged $200, down $16 on last week. Selling from $95 to $255, the top price was achieved by 13-17 month old, 61 kg, Glendemar MPM blood ewe hoggets from Marnoo, VIC.

Young Merino breeders (2-4 years) sold from $70 and $271 to average $179, down $12 on last week. The top price was a line of NSM ewes from Grenfell, NSW.

These ewes are pure Pooginook blood, are rising 3 years old and were secured by a buyer from Narromine, NSW. Proven breeder (4+ years) Merino ewes sold from $90 to $227, and averaged $160, up $6 on last week. The top price was returned by a line of 340 NSM ewes from Cootamundra, NSW. These ewes are rising 6 years, 82kgs with a 3” skin and are Willandra blood.

Merino wether lambs sold from $64 to $152 and averaged $101, down $16 on last week. The top price was returned by 120 store wether lambs from Trawalla, VIC.

These lambs are May ’19 drop, weigh 40kgs with a 2” skin and are Coryule blood. Merino wethers sold from $78 to $138 and averaged $114. The top price was returned by 880 woolgrower wethers from Dergholm, VIC that were sold across 2 lines as run out the gate. These wethers are 2 years old, weigh 50kgs with a ½” skin and are Mountain Dam bloodlines.

First cross ewe lambs sold from $158 to $251 and averaged $203, up $48 on last week. The top price was achieved by a line of 210 future breeder ewe lambs, April/May ’19 drop, weighing 44kgs, from Telopea Downs VIC and will travel to a buyer in Nhill, VIC.

NSM first cross ewe hoggets returned between $195 and $275 to average $242, down $35 on last week. The top price was returned by 190 15-16 month old, future breeder ewe hoggets from Warrak, VIC.

Only 4 lines NSM first cross ewes sold online, selling between $175 and $310, to average $226. The top price was returned by 235 NSM 1st cross ewes, rising 2 years and weighing 65kgs from Beeac, VIC.

This weeks offering of store lambs saw 50,731 head offered, 9,249 more than last week and clearance was 76% of the offerings.

The larger offering followed the recent easing of the lamb market prices and the average price closed the week at 377c live. Selling from 296c to tops of 540c, highlight lines from the week include:

–          May/Jun ’19, 51kg, 1st cross Poll Merino/Border Leicester wether lambs from Langkoop, Victoria sold for $160/313c live

–          Jul-Sept ’19, 42kg, 2nd cross Border Leicester/Merino & Poll Dorset mixed sex lambs Serpentine, Victoria sold for $157/373c live

–          Aug/Sept ’19, 31kg, 1st cross Merino/Border Leicester mixed sex suckers from Crookwell, New South Wales $157/505c

–          May/Jun ’19, 45kg, 1st cross Border Leicester/Merino & Poll Dorset mixed sex suckers from Cathkin, Victoria sold for $156/349c live

–          May/Jun ’19, 42kg, 2nd cross Border Leicester/Merino & White Suffolk mixed sex suckers from Cathkin, Victoria sold for $155/365c live
