Young Merino breeders (2-4 years) achieved 94% clearance, selling from $204 to $400 to average $282, up $37 on AuctionsPlus.
The top price was achieved by 496 SIL ewes also offered by A/c ‘Bailey Farming Pty Ltd’. These ewes (pictured) are 2.5 years old, weigh 68kgs and are SIL to East Loddon blood rams. From Emu Downs, SA a line of April/May 17’ Poll Merino SIL ewes returned $258. Proven Merino breeders (4+ years) sold from $146 to $371 and averaged $244, up $23 on last.
From Bourke, NSW a line of 5.4 – 6.5 year old NSM ewes with LAF returned the top price. Offered from A/c ‘GA ME Davis’, these ewes weigh 54kgs and are heading to a buyer in Griffith, NSW. Whilst from Woolbrook, NSW a line of 510 NSM ewes aged 4.5 – 5.5 years and weighing 49kgs, returned $224.
This week demand for Merino ewe lambs were stronger than last, returning a 64% clearance.
Prices ranged from $151 to $206 and averaged $191. The top price was achieved by a line of Rutherglen blood ewes from Balaklava, SA.
Merino ewe hogget prices were steady on last, averaging $227 and selling from $170 to $301. The top price was achieved by a line of 48kg ewes from Tullamore, NSW. These ewes are based on Centre Plus bloodlines and are heading across to a buyer in Kingscote, SA.
From Cootamundra, NSW a line of 463 Poll Merino SIL ewe hoggets sold for $399. Offered by A/c ‘Bailey Farming Pty Ltd’, the ewes are 66kgs and are SIL to Kerin Poll Rams.
Merino wether lambs achieved 100% clearance this week for the 9,390 head listed. Selling from $103 to $180 to average $144, slightly down on last week. A line of 200 Jul/Sept 19’ drop store wether lambs from Canowindra, NSW returned the top price.
The wethers weigh 39kgs are bred from pure Haddon Rig bloodlines and were offered by A/c ‘Boridgeree Farming Pty Ltd’. Older Merino wethers sold from $131 to $182 and averaged $147, also down on last week.
The top price was achieved by 160 Wurrook blood woolgrower wethers from Chepstowe, VIC, weighing 51kgs and aged 18-20 months. Looking to Glendambo, SA A/c ‘Jumbuck Pastoral’ offered 1,760 Woolgrower wethers across 4 lines. The rising 4 year old lines weighing 49kgs and sold for $145, whilst the younger 3 year old wethers sold for $133 & $131 respectively.
First cross ewe lamb listings were down this week, totaling 1,286 head and achieving a 92% clearance. Prices ranged from $207 to $345 and averaged $267, the top price was achieved by a line of future breeder ewes from Forbes, NSW.
They weigh 53kgs and are sired by Bowery Border Leicester rams. From Holbrook, NSW a line of 43kg future breeders returned $299. Supply for first cross ewes was down this week, increasing buyer demand with the 594 head listed achieving 100% clearance. A/c ‘Ardess Pastoral Co’ Oberon, NSW offered 400 NSM ewes which returned $250.
Other highlights include a line of 175 Australian White future breeders from Keith, SA, which are Aug/Oct 19’ drop, weigh 42kgs and returned $303. From Kyneton, VIC a line of mixed age Dorper and White Dorper SIL ewes made $310. The ewes weigh 71kgs and are scanned in lamb to Burrawong rams.
Looking to the west this week 15,598 head were offered across two special sales with the Westcoast Wool & Livestock and Primaries holding their first online only sales for the year.
The national demand for WA stock was once again on display across both sales with local bidders competing against buyers from VIC, NSW and SA across both sales. The Westcoast Wool & Livestock sale results saw station mated Merino ewes selling from $164 to $246, averaging $212.
Future breeder ewe lambs sold from $171 to $221, to average $191, whilst Merino wether lambs averaged $137, selling from $109 to $158. Highlights from the Primaries of WA feeder and store sale include a 100% clearance with Merino wether lambs selling from $105 to $180, averaging $148. The offering of White Suffolk/Merino mixed sex lambs sold from 396c to 442c, to average 427c.