20 micron bales sell to top price of 1437c/kg clean

Merino-fleeceWhile the annual recess for physical selling centres continued this week, the AuctionsPlus offer board remained active.

An increase from last weeks sales saw a total of 435 bales sold this week, ranging from 14.4µ micron to 27.5µ micron.

The 20µ micron bales were the most popular this week, with a total of 223 sold to a top price of 1,100c/kg greasy, or 1,437c/kg clean.

The 19µ micron bales totalled to 109, with a top of 1195c/kg greasy, or 1752c/kg clean.

The top priced lot was a 14.6µ micron bale of “LATNUM” branded Merino fleece, which sold for 2,500c/kg greasy or 3,551c\kg dry.

This lot was offered by Nutrien Ag Solutions – Victoria, was 71mm and had 0.3% vegetable matter.
