Shedding breed ewe lambs recorded a third consecutive week of gains in price, up $32 to average $286/head – with a clearance rate at 68%.
The top lot in the National Lamb Sale for this category was a line of 97 Australian White ewe suckers, selling for $412/head. The lambs averaged 34.5kg live weight from Trundle, in Central West NSW.
Crossbred lambs had the largest offering at 22,013 head, averaging $6 dearer at $167/head – with a clearance rate of 80%.
First cross ewe lambs and Merino ewe lambs both registered higher supplies this week, which was matched by stronger demand.
Both categories recorded higher price trends, up $14 and $21 to average at $288 and $257/head, respectively, with a strong average clearance rate of 86% across the two.
Composite and other breed lambs registered the largest fall in supply this week, offering 873 head and registering a $47 decrease to average $188/head.
Merino wethers were the only other indicative category to see cheaper prices, registering a $7 drop to average $136/head – with the clearance rate at 92%.
The joined ewe offering fell this week, down to 11,769 head. Only the SIL shedding breed ewe category saw a boost in prices, to average $444/head – swayed by the record-breaking line of Australian White ewes from Northern Victoria, which reached a record breaking $1,015/head.
While SIL Merino ewes dominated supply with 4,768 offered, the category saw a $5 decrease, to average $260/head. SM Merino ewes saw a similar cheaper trend, dropping $20, to average $173/head – with a 100% clearance achieved for the 853 head offered.
NSM lines also decreased this week, with only 2,613 head offered. However, with the reduced numbers demand remained solid, with the indicative categories achieving an average clearance rate of 87%.
Merino ewe hoggets registered a decrease in value, down $51 to average $221/head. Merino ewes and Composite/other breed ewes both registered price increases, seeing boosts of $13 and $15 respectively.