Demand for heavy steers exceeding 400kg continues to be very robust, with a 93% clearance rate registered for the 1,128 head offered on AuctionsPlus.
The category averaged 7c higher on last week, at 569c/kg lwt.
An indicative line of 72 Angus feeder steers (pictured), averaging 472.9kg liveweight, out of Oberon NSW, sold to 617.3c/kg, equating to $2,919/head.
Like the young steer lines, young heifer results were also mixed for the week, with the lightest category results heavily influenced by dairy lines.
The largest category with 1,041 head, 330-400kg heifers dropped back $231 on last week, giving up most of last weeks $260 increase, to average $2,145/head – albeit with a 99% clearance rate.
Similarly, 280-330kg heifers dropped back $190, to average $1,944/head – with a 91% clearance rate for the relatively small offering of 622 head.
For the breeding stock market, PTIC heifers again dominated the offerings, with the very large 2,525 head offered, up 47% on last week, with an 85% clearance rate.
The average price for the week felt the impact of the increased numbers, with prices averaging $147 lower, at $3,035/head. PTIC cows sold $154 higher on last week, to average $3,125/head – with a 93% clearance rate for the 1,092 head offered.