Crossbred lambs continue to dominate online listings, with a total of 58,482 head – accounting for 62% of the total lamb offering – and selling to an average $111/head.
Prices eased $12 on last week, while clearance reached 51% late Thursday- up from 28% at the immediate conclusion of the auction. From Caloote, SA, a line of 113 White Suffolk/Poll Merino, mixed sex store lambs, Apr/Jul 22’ drop, weighing 41kg lwt returned $130/head.
Merino wether lambs registered the highest clearance across the lamb categories, reaching an 84% clearance for the 13,839 head offered. Prices lifted $8 on last week to average $81/head. Three lines of 460 May/Jun 22’ drop store wether lambs, from Maldon, Victoria, weighing 40kg lwt returned $115 and $114, respectively.
Shedding breed lambs saw listings more than double on last week, with 3,384 head. Selling from $103 – $132, to average $123/head, the category saw prices ease $12 on last week, reaching a 36% clearance. Topping the category was a line of 580 Australian White store wether lambs from Mendooran, NSW. Weighing 40kg lwt, the Jul/Aug 22’ drop lambs returned $132/head.
Composite/other breed lambs also experienced a significant spike in listings, with the 10,028 head offered reaching a 75% clearance late Thursday – up from a 29% clearance at the immediate close of Tuesdays sale. The offering averaged $100/head – easing $5 on last week. From Holbrook, NSW, a line of 307 Jul/Sep 22’ drop Primeline store wether lambs, weighing 38kg lwt returned $127/head.
The Tuesday National Sheep sale saw a total of 46,359 head offered, with Non-Station Mated (NSM) ewes accounting for 68% of the sale. The smaller grown sheep offering helped lift clearance on last week, while prices across joined ewes increased and non-station mated offerings registered a slight easing.
SM first cross ewes sold to a 76% clearance across the 3,196 head offered, with prices averaging $219/head. A highlight across the category was the run of ewes offered from Raywood Victoria, seeing a single vendor account for 39% of the offering. Topping this offering at $264/head was a line of 209 Border Leicester/Merino ewes, aged 2.5 years, SM to White Suffolk rams weighing 87kg lwt.
SM shedding breed ewes registered the largest joined ewe offering this week, with 3,782 head. Selling from $150 to $223, the category averaged $210/head – up $92, while clearance reached 48%. From Wentworth, NSW, a line of 450 White Dorper ewe lambs aged 4-10 months, weighing 45kg lwt and continuously joined to White Dorper rams returned $223/head.
NSM Merino ewe hoggets averaged $167/head – rising $15 across the 6,983 head offered, while clearance reached 63% late Thursday up from 53% at the immediate closure of sale. A large offering from Moree, NSW, saw 780 Merino ewe hoggets aged 1.4-1.5 years, weighing 47kg lwt, return $130/head.
NSM Merino ewes registered a total offering of 8,730 head. The large offering of unjoined ewes saw prices range between $84 – $228/head, to average $145/head – up $21 on last week, while clearance rates reached 64%- up from 41% at the immediate close of sale. From Keilira, SA, a line of 315 Poll Merino ewes aged 2.4-2.5 years, weighing 55kg lwt, returned $151/head.