The Shorthorn steer, called Southcote Jackpot Johnny, was exhibited to champion carcass by the Mount Compass Area School in the 2017 Led Steer competition at this years Royal Adelaide Show.
Cow and calf units averaged $2,040 and sold to a top of $2,580 on AuctionsPlus for three year old, Angus/Friesian second calvers from ‘Calview Pastoral’ Laceby, VIC.
Watching individual high-quality Wagyu carcases sell for the equivalent of $17,000 Australian left an indelible impression on the Australian Wagyu Trade Mission tour group on the first day of their 2017 study tour to Japan.
Meat processing company Thomas Foods International has partnered with Angus Youth Australia to be the naming rights sponsor of the 2018 Angus Youth National Roundup.
Yamburgan Shorthorns, Futurity Shorthorns and Royalla Shorthorns each conducted their annual on-property bull sales, with 190 Shorthorn sires selling to a top of $42,000 and an excellent average of $9,489.
“Good colour, EMA, neck carriage, softness and sire appeal”, were the comments from the 2017 Adelaide Royal Show judge, Peter Falls, Malton Shorthorns, regarding the 2017 Shorthorn Supreme Exhibit, Spencer Family Zephyr.
Pain relief in cattle and DEXA carcass measuring technology will be in the spotlight at a free forum for Central Queensland farming families being held in Rockhampton next week.