Federal Court proceedings began last week in a class action brought by Northern Territory cattle producers against the Federal Government for the 2011 shut down of the live cattle trade to Indonesia.
MLA BeefUp Day will be held on July 25 at Warwick, Queensland, to give beef producers tools and information to use in their business to improve productivity and profitability.
Georgie Beighton of Penola, SA was awarded the Most Potential Hereford Breeder award, taking home a stud Hereford heifer donated by the Glasser family of Yagaburne Poll Herefords at the National Herefords Youth Expo.
Livestock producers are reminded to keep the horns of cattle and sheep trimmed, particularly in animals where there is a risk of the horn becoming ingrown.
Clayfield Stud topped the stud section for bulls and females at the 2017 Grafton Droughtmaster sale with Lot 8 Clayfield Jinker selling for $7500 to A&K McIntyre of Glen Innes.
Futurity Shorthorns are amongst Shorthorn breeders who have begun collecting temperament phenotypes to be used for the development of a Shorthorn Docility EBV.