Beef producers from north east Victoria have the opportunity to 'power up' their business by attending the 2017 BetterBeef Conference at Alexandra on Tuesday June 20.
Hollywood Pastoral again participated in the 3rd annual Crookwell APH&S Commercial Cattle Breeders Competition this year, receiving the first place award with their home bred heifers.
Technology was highlighted as the biggest game changer in the beef industry with Angus breeders and the Angus breed at the forefront of this revolution.
Two leading young Wagyu breeders have the opportunity to attend a Young Breed Leaders Workshop conducted by the Australian Registered Cattle Breeders Association (ARBCA).
Teys Australia recently welcomed beef producers from across the region to its Jindalee processing plant, where guests saw a live demonstration of DEXA – a technology that is set to revolutionise the beef industry.
Murray Greys have rung the bell on carcass quality and saleable red meat yield at the Australian National Field Days 2017 Merial/The Rural National steer trial.
The 2016 Southern Grass Fed Carcass Classic competition results were presented at a recent awards dinner in Naracoorte, South Australia, with local Shorthorn breeder, Mike Newton, Kingston, claiming two of the major awards.
The Tajima F1 Wagyu crossbred brand from Andrews Meat Industries scooped up yet another major award when it was named grand champion in the 2017 Wagyu Branded Beef Competition.
Murray Greys have dominated the nation’s largest grassfed carcase competition by grading in the top 5 per cent on the Meat Standards Australia Index for eating quality.