OBE Organic’s Board travelled to Hong Kong recently with organic cattle producers, to hear from to thought leaders from Trade and Investment Queensland, MLA, Telstra and KPMG.
Drewe Ferguson from CSIRO and Ben O’Donoghue, Celebrity Chef will be speaking during the #GrowAngus National Conference on May 18th and 19th in Ballarat Vic.
The South African Hereford Breeders Society celebrates its 100th Anniversary in 2017 and will reflect on 100 years of playing a major role in the development of the SA Beef Industry.
Limousin Youth is running an auction at the National Show and Sale Dinner with all proceeds from the auction going directly back into the Limousin Youth Program.
With pregnancy scanning recently completed across 6 co-operator herds, Cohort 7 of the Angus Sire Benchmarking Program (ASBP) is set to produce approximately 1,005 progeny with calving to commence in June 2017.