Backgrounders and lot feeders led the charge for whiteface weaners at Victoria’s Premier 62nd annual steer weaner sale at Casterton on January 8, paying to a top of $1200.
The medium weight feeder heifers lifted 10c/kg due to an increase in numbers and the heavy heifers were steady. Prices ranged from 272c to 295c/kg at the SELX Yass last week.
Well finished and bred yearling steers to the trade were up to 13c dearer, topping at 295c and those suiting feeder orders were also dearer, ranging from 255c to 307c/kg at SELX today.
Lachy and Lou Day, of Days Whiteface, Bordertown, South Australia will be hosting one of the first MLA “Bred Well, Fed Well” cattle workshops on January 22.
Angus Australia and the Member Services Team are pleased to welcome the newest additions to the Member Services area, Nicky Carey, Ally Van Duijnhoven and Robyn Kelly.
A focus on eating quality within their commercial whiteface herd has prompted a central NSW family to enter one of the nation’s biggest feedback trials.
Joined females sold for an average of $1733, with the top price of $2300 going to a line of Angus/Friesian heifers out of Inman Valley in SA on AuctionsPlus.