The major dispersal sale of the Holstein herd of Matt and Andrea Peters of Ryanston saw strong demand for cows with buyers from all parts of South Gippsland along with the Western District.
Dairy Australia’s October Situation and Outlook report for the first quarter of the season shows record high farmgate milk prices continue to be weighed down by high input costs and a dry weather outlook.
The Australian dairy industry mandatory code of conduct exposure draft was released in what is the third and final round of consultation with the dairy industry.
A wonderful crowd was at Ripplebrook in West Gippsland for the Complete Dispersal Sale of the Kings Vale Jersey Milking Herd of David and Sharron Anderson.
A massive crowd of Ayrshire enthusiasts from all over Australia were at Borallon, Queensland for the Complete Dispersal Sale of the Hillcrest Ayrshire Stud of Kevin and Sharon Smith.
One of the largest crowds seen at a Dairy Sale for many years was at Girgarre for the Milking Herd Dispersal Sale of the Jugiong Jerseys established in 1932 by the Nicholson Family.
Farmers are being urged to fight back against the European Union’s demands for Australia to restrict the use of common cheese names in a proposed free trade agreement between Australia and the 28 EU countries.
The United Dairyfarmers of Victoria (UDV) is calling all young dairy leaders to apply for the 2020 Gardiner Dairy Foundation UDV New Zealand Study Tour and explore the best of the New Zealand dairy industry in February 2020.