A large crowd of Dairymen from throughout Western Victoria and South Gippsland were keen to secure Autumn calving Holsteins at the Complete Dispersal Sale of H Eldridge & Son of Alvie.
As dairy consumption continues to grow globally, Fonterra is becoming increasingly focused on diversifying and specialising its products to meet customer demand.
After tasting their way through a record 470 of Australia’s finest dairy products, judges of the prestigious Australian Grand Dairy Awards have announced the 2017 finalists from across the nation.
Fonterra has confirmed all of its staff in New Zealand are safe following the earthquake and there is no major damage to any of its manufacturing sites.
As part of Australian Antibiotic Awareness Week, 14-20 November, the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is promoting responsible use of antibiotics in dairy cows, to prevent the emergence of untreatable diseases.
THE United Dairyfarmers of Victoria has praised the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) for taking a firm approach in its inquiry into the dairy industry, following the release of the inquiry’s terms of reference.
Fonterra Australia has advised suppliers it has increased its average farmgate milk price to $5.10 per kilogram of milk solids, and increased its forecast closing price for the season to $5.20 per kilogram of milk solids.