The Robinson family of ‘Bedar’ in the shadow of Woondillon rock at Babakin, have capped the ‘best-ever’ dollar returns from their sheep enterprise that coincided with a timely sequence of farm business decisions, to win WAMMCO’s Prime Lamb Producer of the Month title.
First cross ewes once again topped the online market, breaking the $300 mark for another week, with 58kg, 13-14 month old breeders from Frances, South Australia selling for $344.
With livestock electronic identification (EID) now mandatory in Victoria and end of financial year looming close, producers are encouraged to ensure they have the most advanced, value-adding technology on hand.
The AWI Wool Exchange Portal working group has endorsed the construction and implementation of a digital wool exchange platform for the longer-term benefit of the Australian wool industry.
DNA testing to obtain a genetic flock profile has changed the way Victorian Merino breeder Stuart Warner not only looks at his flock, but how he will approach his genetic selection decisions in the future.