In the first two weeks of November, eastern states weekly lamb saleyard throughput exceeded 200,000 head, and it is likely this week will reach similar levels.
The Sheepmeat Council of Australia is calling for producers to apply for its new professional development program designed to build leadership skills and develop networks.
Breaking down a perception-driven market with objective genetic data was the impetus for sheep breeders Andrew and Barbara Read to conceive an idea which has now been realised in the form of the Sheep CRC’s DNA Flock Profile test.
VICTORIAN livestock producers are looking to improved traceability and biosecurity outcomes following the announcement of a $17 million State Government funding package to transition the sheep and goat industries into electronic identification (eID) technology.
Despite the seasonal increase in spring lamb supplies, and consequent higher export volumes, Australian lamb shipments in October remained 2% below year-ago levels, at 21,234 tonnes swt (Department of Agriculture and Water Resources).
The next generation of red meat researchers are being inspired by the success of the sheep industry’s stable of young scientists who are starring on the world stage.
The Sheepmeat Council of Australia is calling for producers to apply for its new professional development program designed to build leadership skills and develop networks.