With JBS Australia’s Thousand Guineas recently winning a silver medal at the brands inaugural showing at the Fine Food Awards in Sydney, Shorthorn brands are also having international success.
A line of 78 Bayview blood,Billa Kalina bred Shorthorn steers have returned an amazing average of $2,350 for Col Greenfield, dressing at 351 kgs with 11 mm of fat.
Three Day Sickness, or Bovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF), is a viral disease of cattle present in northern Australia and may appear in Central West NSW following warm wet weather and increased biting insect populations.
Angus beef brands have cleaned up at the 2016 Sydney Royal Fine Food Show, Branded Beef Competition, taking out 3 of the 4 major awards and 4 of the 7 Gold Medals.
A Shorthorn steer from Phil Burnetts, Crathes Shorthorns, has been auctioned at the Perth Royal Show for $7,000, raising money and awareness for the Black Dog Ride in Western Australia.
With some areas in the West and Riverina regions now under water, we hope they get some reprieve as there will no doubt be major damage to cropping areas and livestock.
The first “Certified Limousin Beef” branded product to be produced in the country will be launched at an open day and dinner at Alexander Downs, Merriwa, on October 15.
Some major feed lotters have dropped their rates at least 5c/kg as some producers are taking the money on offer instead of taking a punt and putting on the extra kilos.