An organic, skimmed milk is officially the best tasting milk in Australia, scooping the evening’s showpiece award at the Dairy Industry Association of Australia Awards, dubbed the industry ‘Oscars’, in Melbourne on Friday.
Jersey Australia general manager Glen Barrett said the April ABVs provided positive proof Australian Jersey genetics were bred to meet dairy farmer needs across the globe.
Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) has secured a federal grant of $814,000 to improve price transparency, product traceability and efficiency across the dairy supply chain.
Australia’s dairy producers are set for another profitable season ahead – with record high milk pricing and favourable seasonable conditions – but risks are building, Rabobank says in its just-released Australian Dairy 2022/23 Seasonal Outlook.
April ABVs have delivered great results for Genetics Australia bulls with a bull for every breeding goal and every breed, according to CEO Anthony Shelly.
The Murribrook Dispersal Sale went off without a hitch despite flooding with breeders from all parts of NSW, Victoria and South Australia were keen to secure the outstanding milking cows and in calf heifers on offer.
The two Master Breeder herds Warramont of David and Trudy Fiebig of Mt Gambier, SA and Byrne Lea of Craig and Fiona Fisher formerly of Drumborg in far Western Victoria combined to stage a Complete Dispersal Sale of their Autumn calving heifers following the Dispersal of their respective Milking herds last year.
Earlier this month, Australia’s longest running Holstein Bull Sale topped $13,000 with Carenda Jeronimo 884, a stud bull bred by Holstein Australia member Ray Kitchen of Carenda Holsteins.
Holstein Breeders from throughout the North West consigned an exceptional offering of mostly Autumn calving young cows and joined heifers backed by tremendous pedigrees featuring high production and deep classification along with noted Sires.