Long time Holstein Breeders Graeme and Bev Joiner of Coldara Holsteins at Kyabram recently staged their Complete Dispersal Sale of Spring calved herd following the Dispersal of their Autumn herd earlier this year.
The Victorian Farmers Federation has announced the allocation of more than $440,000 in grants for dairy farmer-led projects as part of the final round of the Farmers’ Fund partnership.
Dairy farmers, processors and representative organisations are encouraged to take part in important regional consultations to help shape Australia's first mandatory dairy code.
Cattle ticks are a major cost to dairy farmers on the eastern side of the tick line. As temperatures begin to increase into the spring months so do tick populations.
The second stage dispersal of the well known large Holstein herd of Rohan & Sue Kerr held at Koonwarra Saleyards was an outstanding success with a complete clearance and a sale gross of $492,000.
Another year of growth and acquisition combined with sound financial performance sees Bega Cheese creating a significant position as an Australian dairy and food company servicing customers at home and in more than 40 countries around the world.
Burra Foods has announced a step up in base FMP (Farmgate Milk Price) for Milk Supply Partners equivalent to $0.13/kg of milk solids across the FY19 year.
The Holstein Australia Online Showcase Sale, scheduled to take place on 15 November 2018 in Hobart following the Association’s AGM, has been postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date.
Dairy farmers in the Southern Milk Pool have two more weeks to apply for grants for farm business improvement projects before the final round of Farmers’ Fund grant applications draw to a close on 29 October 2018.