An opening average milk price for the 2018/19 season of $5.75 per kilogram milk solids has been announced for all Warrnambool Cheese and Butter (WCB) and Saputo Dairy Australia (SDA) suppliers in the Southern Milk Region.
Leading New Zealand vet, Neil Chesterton, visited the Murray region for a series of workshops and on-farm demonstrations focused on the prevention of lameness.
Burra Foods has announced an opening milk price range for the FY19 season of $5.60 - $5.90/kg Milk Solids, an 8% increase over last year’s opening price.
The global farmgate milk price cycle has turned and set the tone for a more bullish market, with a Southern Australia full-year price of AUD 6.40/kgMS now within reach for2018/19, according to Rabobank’s latest Dairy Quarterly report.
Parag Milk Foods, which owns Bhagyalakshmi Dairy Farm in Manchar – India’s largest private dairy farm – will send four of its dairy trainers to South Australia later this year to receive a mix of classroom and hands-on training from TAFE SA lecturers.
ABS Global has introduced seven new Icon Sires™ to the market, graduated nine proven sires and held the #1 proven position in NM$ and TPI® with April 2017 graduate 29HO17553 JOSUPER.
The United Dairyfarmers of Victoria throws its support behind the Victorian Farmers Federation Water Council in the fight to protect Victorian farmers in the Murray Darling Basin.
Holstein Australia and Holstein UK have again joined forces to provide a young and aspiring Holstein breed enthusiast with a trip to the UK during September and October this year.
Australia’s largest genetics supplier Genetics Australia Cooperative is calling on all shareholders to vote to proceed on the sale of one of their properties known as Parwan Park Sout.