Murray Goulburn Co-op announced it is forecasting an FY17 FMP of $4.80 per kgms with a net opening FMP of $4.31 per kgms after application of the MSSP repayment.
A large crowd of Holstein enthusiasts from throughout NSW and Victoria were at Meroo Meadow on NSW’s South Coast for the Complete Dispersal of the milking herd and all joined heifers of Opportunity Holsteins.
SOUTH Gippsland dairy farmers have welcomed the Victorian Government’s decision to fund a feasibility study into building a new water pipeline from Foster to Yanakie.
Burra CEO Grant Crothers said the opening price range of $4.40 - $4.60 kg/MS for FY17 was a reflection of current market returns with some headspace for step ups should market conditions not deteriorate.
Fonterra has announced a senior leadership team and business unit structure that will enable the Co-operative to continue to deliver maximum value creation and strong performance.
Those having an interest in serving as a Director of Dairy Australia can nominate themselves as candidates to stand for election at Dairy Australia’s Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 25 November 2016.
Producers in northern NSW, Queensland and Western Australia are on high alert for flow on impacts of the late season farmgate price cuts in southern Australia, despite more stable operating conditions and farmer sentiment.