New season lambs in Victoria are beginning to enter the market in earnest – last week’s saleyard throughput more than doubled from a fortnight ago to 80,000 head.
Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) has published its 2017/2018 Annual Report, reporting a year highlighted by solid results with wool prices reaching record highs and strengthening demand for the natural fibre.
Sheep Producers Australia welcomed the recommendations of the Moss Review, in particular strengthening the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources to be an effective regulator of the live sheep export trade.
NSW sheep producers have the opportunity to school up on the latest sheep management technologies at a field day to be held in Armidale next Thursday, November 8.
The Sheep CRC will leave a legacy of meat processing innovation that will benefit not just lamb producers for years to come, but the beef industry as well.
AWI is cautioning eligible levy payers to strongly consider their vote at WoolPoll, given the recent significant decrease in wool production anticipated in the coming seasons as a result of the drought.
Processors threw their weight around in the online auctions last week with 2 to 6 year old Merino ewes from Molong, NSW selling for 182c live weight or $100.50.