Wagyu numbers in Australia are growing at a faster rate than those of any other breed according to figures released by the Australian Registered Cattle Breeders’ Association (ARCBA).
The carcass quality and compliance rates of Hereford genetics have helped Jim and Angela Schutz to a top three finish in the South Australian MSA Awards.
A pen of 12 straight-bred 7 to 10 mths old Wagyu steers averaging 231.5 kgs from Bega, NSW, sold for 609c/kg live or $1410/head at the inaugural Premium Wagyu Sale on AuctionsPlus
Angus and Angus influenced cattle have again proved their ability to meet MSA requirements by rising to the top in a number of categories in the 2016 Harvey Beef Gate 2 Plate Challenge in Western Australia.
Recent appreciations in the price of Australian cattle, both at saleyards and direct to works, have reduced the price spread between livestock prices and export beef prices, on a per kg basis.
Cattle Council of Australia has called upon the major political parties to address the issues of road infrastructure, mobile black spots and the NBN network in the run-up to the July 2 election.
Growing the northern beef industry, unlocking the agricultural potential of the north and investing in rural industries are just some of the topics on the agenda when the ABARES Regional Outlook conference comes to Darwin on 6 July.