With the current strong demand for Shorthorn bulls this Autumn, don’t overlook the Shorthorn females on offer at the 2016 Shorthorn National Show and Sale.
A total of 13 Shorthorn “L” heifers are on offer at this years event and…
Simmental Australia held their 46th Annual General Meeting in Launceston Tasmania on 21st May 2016 with members travelling from Western Australia, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland.
Queensland cattle producers have the opportunity to improve the performance of their businesses and address the cost-price squeeze at a series of MLA workshops in June and July.
Gulf cattle producers can check the pulse of their business, access new technologies and get a handle on the latest industry research at a forum at Mt Surprise on 1-2 June.
As part of Casino Beef Week, Meat & Livestock Australia Managing Director Richard Norton last night participated in a forum of local beef producers to listen firsthand to feedback from producers about the direction of MLA and the broader red meat industry.
The outlook for the beef industry is looking brighter than ever and high quality Angus beef producers are perfectly positioned to make the most out of the opportunities available.
South Australian Libby Creek, has been declared the first female President of Angus Australia at a meeting of its’ Directors, held in Albury on May 20.