
Near-term peak in dairy commodity prices behind us

Farmgate milk prices remain on the “high side” across much of the world, and at near-record levels in Australia, as dairy demand proves resilient in the face of the pandemic, according to the latest Rabobank Global Dairy Quarterly report.

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Joining the DNA dots to improve dairy breeding

Scientists from Agriculture Victoria, in collaboration with the University of Melbourne, have developed a world-first customised single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip designed with the latest known genes that affect dairy cattle traits.

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Dayton Goldchip Irene tops dispersal at $8000

Sale top of $8,000 was paid for Kayton Goldchip Irene, EX 90 an 11th gen EX & VG, 8 year old with a tremendous udder, she sold to Clydevale Holsteins at the Holstein Complete Dispersal sale of spring calving heifers.

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