A step up in the farmgate milk price for the 2018/19 season has been announced for all suppliers of Warrnambool Cheese and Butter (WCB) and Saputo Dairy Australia (SDA) in the Southern Milk Region.
The Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) is thrilled to announce that one million litres of Farmers’ Fund milk has been sold at Coles’ supermarkets in Victoria since the product’s launch last September.
A large crowd of Holstein enthusiasts were at Shepparton for the Combined Master Breeders Dispersal Sale of Spring calving heifers of the Pooley Bridge and Amelia Park herds.
A large crowd of interested Holstein fanciers were at the Shepparton Selling Centre for the 3rd Stage Complete Dispersal Sale of the long established dual Master Breeder Paringa herd of Pam Malcolm.
The 2018 Dairy Farm Monitor Report has found that return on total assets has remained constant across Victoria on average, despite average profit being the fifth lowest in the 12-year history of the project.