The DLS annual Spring Selection Sale was off to a great start when lot 1 Amelia Park Bradnick Tammy (ET) VG, backed by many gens of VG dams through to Canadian cow Roulache Grand Tamara, sold at $5100.
Leader Durham Satin EX-91-5E, was crowned Cow of the Year, in recognition all-round excellence in production, classification, breeding and overall contribution to the Australian Holstein breed.
The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has welcomed what it dubs ‘sensible’ and ‘fair’, recommendations made in a Senate Committee report looking at the future of Australia’s dairy industry.
THE United Dairyfarmers of Victoria welcomed the launch of Fonterra Australia’s revamped $140 million cheese plant at Stanhope, nearly three years after a fire ripped through the dairy company’s previous facility.
THE long overdue Senate inquiry into the dairy industry gained a muted response from farmer groups when the final report was released after several delays.
Local Roads to Market projects across the state’s south-west are upgrading intersections, strengthening pavements and widening and re-aligning the roads our dairy industry relies on.