Fonterra Australia has revised its farmgate milk price, meaning that the full 2015/16 season price will be reduced from A$5.60 per kgMS to A$5.00 per kgMS.
Burra Foods announced a change in shareholding in the company as part of its growth plans to improve market access and raise capital to fund the expansion of its dairy processing facility in Korumburra, Victoria.
In response to ongoing tough seasonal conditions and more recent industry developments Dairy Australia will move to increase its support for dairy farmers by accelerating the rollout of its ‘Tactics for Tight Times’ program in affected regions.
The 2016 April ABV release was not only a great result for Genetics Australia but an even better result for Australian farmers, says Genetics Australia General Manager Anthony Shelly.
Fonterra Australia has announced it has signed an agreement to divest its shareholding (36.02 per cent) in Dairy Technical Services (DTS) to a consortium comprising Bureau Veritas Singapore and AsureQuality Limited.
North Coast Local Land Services and Subtropical Dairy have signed a new partnership agreement that will support the productivity and sustainability of the dairy industry on the North Coast of NSW between Kempsey and the Queensland border.
Building on the popular Good Bulls Guide, the new Good Bulls app makes it easier than ever for dairy farmers to identify bulls that match their breeding priorities.